Non-Slewing Mobile Crane Licence (CN)

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Non-Slewing Mobile Crane Ticket (CN)

A Non-slewing mobile crane licence (CN) is required when you have a mobile crane which does not slew but it has a lifting capacity of over 3 tonnes and uses a boom or jib. A common example is the Franna cranes. but it also includes the others noted below.

This class includes:

  • articulated mobile cranes
  • locomotive crane types
  • non-slewing telehandlers, with booms and/or jib/ a hoist rope and/or hook blocks 

TLILIC3006A – Licence to Operate a Non-Slewing Mobile Crane (Greater Than 3 Tonnes Capacity)

On the Job Training provides real hands on training in all types of non-slewing crane operations. Our helpful trainers provide expert supervision for practical operation and theory. Our courses are well designed and can be tailored to meet your needs as a trainee. Your trainng will include crane training that takes into account a range of classes of cranes.

Talk to us about your non-slewing crane course today. Choose a day or night course that suits you. When you complete your course and have achieved competency through you hard work, study and our help, you can sit the high risk assessment with nerves but with confidence. That’s our goal for you. After you pass, you can apply for the High Risk Work licence to become a fully licensed CN crane operator.

Do you have questions for us? Please call us on 0404 709 861. To find out more about our non-slewing mobile crane licence courses, us directly or email us, contact us online or call 07 3112 1384.  We are keen to help and guide you about this or other courses. At the very least, we can steer you in the right direction. Talk soon.
