Vehicle Loading Crane Licence (CV)

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Vehicle Loading Crane Licence (CV)

TLILIC0012A – Licence to operate a Vehicle Loading Crane (more than 10 Metre Tonnes)

What’s this course about?

Our vehicle loading crane course is very hands on. It covers the operation of a vehicle mounted crane with a capacity of 10 metric tonnes or more. Your training includes vehicle crane operation, load estimation and slinging techniques to manage loads. Don’t forget all the extra knowledge you’ll gain to do your job well.

Do I need another crane licence other than CV?

With a vehicle crane licence you can operate a vehicle loading crane and conduct the full range of slewing operations without holding a slewing mobile crane licence. This is provided:

  • the equipment is suitable for the task
  • the equipment is used within its operating parameters
  • the operator has been adequately trained

We can provide advice about your CV licence application ort the process. Vehicle loading crane licences are issued by Workplace Health and Safety Queensland. You may wish to call them regarding the classification of your crane for licensing purposes.

High Risk Work Licence Training and Assessment Evidence for Crane Tickets

We offer flexible day or night courses. Select the best training time to suit you. After you complete your training and assessments, you may apply for the High Risk Work licence to be a fully licensed vehicle loading crane operator. 

For more information about our vehicle loading crane courses you can contact us online or call now on 0404 709 861. You can also call 07 3112 1384

Talk to our crane and rigging training team about your training or licensing needs. We’ll be happy to provide any guidance you require. At the least, we can always steer you in the right direction. We aim to give you the skills you need to confidently get the job and stay safe enough long enough to become a great operator.
