Basic Rigging Course (RB)

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Basic Rigging Course (RB)

Before you can legally work as a rigger in Australia, you must receive a rigging certification. At On the Job Training, our basic rigging course covers all essential information required to undertake rigging work. You’ll work with leading industry experts to learn everything you need to know, from steel erection to placement of precast concrete.

The CPCCLRG3001A (Licence to perform rigging basic level) is the first step in your rigging career. Once you achieve your basic rigging licence, you’ll be able to apply for intermediate and advanced riggers courses, both run by On The Job Training.

What Does the Basic Rigging Course Cover?

When you work with On The Job Training to receive your basic rigging ticket, you’ll learn everything you need to know to become a qualified rigger. Our course consists of dogging and rigging work involving:

  • Movement of plant and equipment
  • Steel erection
  • Hoists (including mast climbing hoists)
  • Placement of precast concrete
  • Safety nets and static lines
  • Perimeter safety screens and shutters
  • Cantilevered crane loading platforms

High Risk Work Licence Training and Assessment

As soon as you have achieved competency for your dogging or rigging unit, you are able to make an application for a High Risk Work licence. Your High Risk licence will be issued by the appropriate regularly body in the State or Territory where your licence was gained. For example, Workplace Health and Safety Queensland covers Queensland, and WorkCover New South Wales covers New South Wales.

Flexible Training Options

At On The Job Training, we make it easy to earn your riggers ticket. When you work with On The Job Training to achieve your rigging certification, you can choose the flexible training options that suit you. With both day and night courses available, you’ll be able to up-skill without sacrificing your income. You can undertake training at our facility or on your worksite, the choice is yours!

On The Job Training runs dogman and rigging courses throughout the month. Contact us any time on 07 3112 1384 to find out about the next available course.
